مؤسسة الابتكار والحلول التجارية

   تصنيع محطات العمل حسب رغبه العميل من حيث المقاس والارتفاعات والألوان وتصنيع الكراسي بالاوان المختاره من قبل العميل لتناسب محطات العمل والشعار وتصنيع المكاتب لتكون بنفس الوان محطات العمل.


   Innovation and Solutions est. was established in the year 2010 based and operating in Saudi Arabia- Dammam. Specializing in manufacturing a variety of workstation, desks, seat suitable for offices, schools, hospitals, theatres, hotels and stadium we have made it our policy to supply comfortable furniture.

Materials, parts and components used our manufactured products are internationally recognized and certified to provide the required durability, comfort and safety to our client. Each design has been developed and refined to comply with our client specific needs our aim is to produce the very best.

All our furniture provides comfort, strength, durability and versatility bearing in mind cost effectiveness.

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